The Joy of Leadership


Leadership is often seen as a daunting and challenging task. It requires making difficult decisions, managing complex projects .

By Inely Cesna | Published by Forbes on Oct. 26, 2023

Leadership is often seen as a daunting and challenging task. It requires making difficult decisions, managing complex projects and dealing with demanding stakeholders. However, leadership can be incredibly rewarding and joyful.

Leadership is about building relationships and creating a positive environment. When leaders know how to make constructive relationships within themselves and compassionately manage their inner struggles, they develop an uplifting internal climate that reflects outside through meaningful relationships. They create teams based on trust and respect, bringing motivation and engagement to their work each day and inspiring those around them. And this is truly a rewarding and joyful experience.

As a leader, you can only sustainably create a culture of collaboration, community, innovation and continuous learning if you live it yourself. You can only help your team develop their skills and talents and reach their full potential if you strive to do the same yourself. You can only promote community and belonging when you value and respect yourself and your team members for their efforts and contributions.

One of the greatest joys of leadership is seeing your team succeed. When you lead a group of people passionate about their work and committed to a common goal, it is incredibly gratifying to see them achieve their objectives and know you have played a role in their success.

Yet success on the outside is shallow and temporary if success is absent internally. Leadership is the ability to create an upward and successful movement with many other people in many facets of life and many areas of an organization.

Joyful leadership moves the whole system upward because it is authentically and inherently present as a culture cultivated at the top by leaders who know the immense power of ripple effects. The culture and attitudes of the leaders at the organization's top, whether desirable or not, conscious or not, are echoed exponentially at the bottom.

Being a joyful leader is not about you but starts with you. When a leader lives joy internally, they can not help but experience it externally, and their team members respond with more motivation, commitment and satisfaction.

Here are some tips for becoming a more joyful leader:

• Be authentic and genuine. People can spot a fake from a mile away, so be your authentic self and let your essence shine through.

• Start with you. Work on yourself toward continuous improvement and development. Bring your best self out.

• Be positive and enthusiastic. Clear your inner environment from confusion, and stay open to seeing your blind spots. Cultivate an attitude you want to spread around.

• Be supportive and empowering. Give your team the resources and authority they need to succeed.

• Be appreciative and celebrate successes. Take the time to recognize and reward your team members for their efforts and contributions.

• Create a positive work environment. Foster a culture of collaboration, community, innovation and continuous learning.

Joyful leaders make a difference in the world by making a difference in people's lives. Be a joyful leader and leave a positive impact on those around you.